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Cable Management

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Reusable cable-organizers, troughs, conduits, lacing bars and strain-relief bars supporting cable-runs and cable-branching in IT and telco rack installations

Cable managementRackit offers a variety of cable-management accessories designed to provide the means for a cable-intense organized installation of Telco and equipment racks.

Rackit's cable-management products are designed to address the daunting task of managing wires and cables within a rack-installation, supporting horizontal cables runs from one side of the rack to the other side as well as vertical cable runs along the rack's uprights, resulting in a meticulous cable installation within a 2-post and 4-post rack.

Being that cable-management within a rack-installation tends to get 'messy' over a period of time – in which cables typically need to be added and removed, thus changing a great deal from their initial state – Rackit's cable-management products are specifically designed for re-use, and characterized by the ease of branching cables in-and-out, adding cables and removing them without disrupting a well-organized installation.

In particular, Rackit's cable-management products address some of the most pressing issues of managing cables in equipment- and telco-rack installations, such as:

  • Horizontal cable-runs across the rack
  • Vertical cable-runs from top to bottom
  • Combined vertical & horizontal cable runs
  • Accommodation of varying cable-density
  • Meticulous cable routing
  • Cable-strain relief
  • Repetitive usability

Rackit's cable-management products include:


Horizontal cable organizers


Horizontal cable organizersHorizontal cable organizers such as BridgIT, DuctIT HDR, HMR, HVR and Waterfall support organizing single- or double-sided cable runs from one side of the rack to the other side (left-right).



Vertical cable organizers


InterBayVertical cable organizers such as Cable-Rings and InterBay support organizing cable runs along the rack's uprights (top-bottom).


Lacing panels


LaceIT cable-lacing panelsLaceIT rack-mount slotted lacing bars relieve cable stress and cable weight from network equipment, featuring cable-lacing slots running the width of the panel, offering a supportive surface for cables used for securing and routing connections to and from switches and patch panels.



Strain relief bars


StrainIT strain-relief barsStrainIT rack-mount strain-relief bars relieve cable weight from network equipment, and help avoiding connection ports from being damaged or disconnected thus protect the lifeline of IT gear by absorbing the forces of push and pull that may be exerted on cables.


RackiTie cable ties


RackiTiesRackiTies (Velcro) cable wrap holds groups of cables together for support and ease of maintenance, used and re-used to bundle wires, cables, and tubing firmly, allowing flexibility in terms of usability and adjustment.


Cable-management racks


StrandIT cable-mamagement racksDesigned to manage high-density wire & cable installations within a Telco rack, Strandit wire-management relay racks offers superior cable routing into and out of the rack, with multi-directional D-rings, front, back, and side pass-through holes, and built-in waterfall cable trays.


KVM Switch, Server Rack, LAN management cables, KVM Switches, rackmount, computer rack

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KVM Switch, Server Rack, LAN management cables, KVM Switches, rackmount, computer rack